
As mentioned the other day on Facebook, we placed an order with OKVlees.nl, and it arrived!
Before delivery we got a bit worried, since the temperature rose well above the 30's (C), so expecting the worst, we picked up the package from the nearest "Pakje Gemak" location.

The box
Our order included the following:

- 2 steaks
- 4 beefburgers
- 3 packages of bacon
- 8 chicken thighs (1,2 kg)
- 1 mixed cat food package

Total including shipping: €47,37

The main reason to order was for the organic chicken, since that is usually quite expensive. Experience tells us that chicken thighs are actually a lot nicer and cheaper than fillets :-)

The order is packaged in dry ice, which has a temperature of
about -78C and keeps the meat under a temperature of -20C
for about 36 hours. Our order was still freezing cold, excellent!

Inside the box is the insulation packaging, in which the frozen meat is kept, together with the dry ice.
When opening in this weather, the "steam" was coming off.
Don't touch the dry ice with your hands, this can cause freeze burns!

The mixed catfood package was sealed and packaged separately, and had some interesting items like quail, duck, chicken, fish and an mix of meat and offal.

All in all a good experience, we can't wait to start cooking soon!


Shipping is always a flat fee of € 6,75, so they recommend to order with a group of people, to reduce the overall costs.

Steak, beefburger, chicken & bacon

Catfood mix

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